The Six Advisors were:
1. Brod John H. MacCraken
2. Brod Ray O. Wyland
3. Brod Herbert G. Horton
4. Brod Donald B. Prentice
5. Brod D. Arthur Hatch
6. Brod Harry T. Spengler
The Thirteen Undergraduates were: (Brod)
1. Everett W. Probst
2. Thane S. Cooley
3. William T. Wood
4. Gordon M. Looney
5. E.M. Detwiller
6. Lewis B. Blair
7. Donald H. Fritts
8. William W. Highberger
9. Donald H. Fritts
10. George A. Olsen
11. Robert J. Green
12. Ellsworth S. Dobson
13. Herbert Heinrich
Alpha Phi Omega – PHILIPPINES
In 1950, SOLOMON LEVY, a professional scout and friend of Brod Dr. H. Roe Bartle (a.ka. The Chief), then the National President of Alpha Phi Omega USA, came to the Philippines to help generate more interest among Filipino Scouts. Upon the urging of “The Chief”, he gave a short talk and distributed some three copies of Alpha Phi Omega publications. Questions and Answers National Constitution and By Laws and Ritual Rites and ceremonies to a group of Filipino Scouts. (Brod) LIBRADO I. URETA, an Eagle Scout and a graduate student at Far Eastern University, Manila was among the audience.
The story was of particular interest to a group of scouts at the Far Eastern University Manila. It may have been because the Alpha Phi Omega helped their library or because the idea of scouting-based fraternity just struck fertile ground. Brod LIBRADO I. URETA and a group of over twenty scouts and advisors began organizing work. On March 2, 1950 the first organization of Alpha Phi Omega outside the United States was established at the Nicanor Reyes Hall, Room 214, Far Eastern University Manila. It is known as ALPHA CHAPTER.
The charter members who served as the first National Officers were:
1. Librado I. Ureta (first National President)
2. Ignacio J. Sevilla Jr.
3. Romeo Y. Atienza
4. Guillermo R. Padolina
5. Godofredo P. Neric
6. Leonardo R. Osorio
7. Ralph G. Hawkins
8. Alfredo de los Reyes
9. Bonifacio V. Lascario
10. Lamberto T. Dominguez
11. Max M. Velasco